7th Grade January 2011
The Strange Case of Origami Yoda
by Tom Angleberger
Dwight does a lot of weird things, like wearing the same t-shirt for a month or telling people to call him "Captain Dwight." One cool thing Dwight does though is make an origami finger puppet named Yoda, who can predict the future. Is Yoda tapping into the force? Tommy, Dwights lunchtime friend, wants to figure out this mystery.
Read alikes: Meanwhile by Jason Siga, Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce, Justin Case by Rachel Vail
The Secret Life of Ms Finkleman
by Ben H. Winters
Bethesda is convinced her mousy music teacher is hiding a secret life and she's determined to figure out what it is. No one though is prepared for the answer:
Ms. Finkleman used to be a ROCK STAR. Soon the whole school goes rock crazy, but there's still a mystery Bethesda needs to solve.
Read alikes: Guys Read: Funny Business by Jon Scienzska, How Angel Got His Name by Gary Paulsen, A Whole Nother Story by Dr. C. Soup
I, Emma Freke
by Elizabeth Atkinson
When a mysterious letter comes inviting Emma to the Freke Family Reunion in the wilds of Wisconsin, Emma thinks she may finally discover why she is the way she is. But once she meets her fellow Frekes, things aren't what she expected at all. Maybe she's better off being her own freak, rather someone else's Freke.
Read alikes: Saavy by Ingrid Law, From Alice to Zen and Everyone Inbetween by Elizabeth Atkinson, Lawn Boy by Gary Paulsen
Under Siege
by Andrea Warren
Meet Lucy, Willie and Frederick, three children who survived the Civil War Battle for Vicksburg. In this dramatic non-fiction account, you will see both sides of the most crucial campaign of the Civil War through the eyes of ordinary people, but mostly 3 brave children.
Read alikes by Andrea Warren: Orphan Train Rider, Surviving Hitler, Pioneer Girl
Lucy Long Ago
by Catherine Thimmesh
At first they spotted just a little bit of the elbow jutting out of the sediment...but as they continued they discovered a thighbone, ribs and a vertebrae lying in the gulley. Scientists from around the world began to question what this was, how did it walk, was it a man or woman...could it be human?
Read alikes: Written in Bone by Sally Walker, The Frog Scientist by Pamela Turner, Bodies from the Ice by James Deem
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