Monday, August 13, 2012

Waiting by Carol Lynch Williams

From the moment Kelly handed me Waiting by Carol Lynch Williams to read,
I assumed I would enjoy it.  Little did I know, I would sail through it, loving the characters from beginning to end.

Written from London's perspective in a melt of poetry and prose, you are instantly brought into her world of loneliness. Sadly her brother, Zach, died and her once-upon-a-time missionary family is being ripped apart from the seams.  The reader discovers a realistic sibling relationship that creates a certain despair, as London remembers and shares memories about her brothers untimely death.

Inbetween the sadness, I enjoyed the process of London discovering what it means to "like" a boy or two.  She is a teen, learning to live again.  She is processing feelings, friendships and her parents.  Ahhhhh...  her parents.  Thankfully she has one parent that eventually stands up for her, remembering that she is still alive--needing love, affection and attention.  I appreciated that London tried to reconnect with her parents through words, making dinner and when that didn't work--teenage angst.

This story was a reminder that often we don't know what's going on in other peoples lives, whether you're a teen or adult.  I'd highly recommend to middle school through adult. 

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